I feel like fire in the rain, 140 x 140 cm, 2024, Acrylics on canvas

Tipping point, 200 x 120 cm acrylics on vanvas

Tipping point, 120 x 200cm, 2024, Oil and acrylics on canvas

A refined focus on academic realism combined with abstraction,

aiming to communicate profound human experiences through form, color, and texture


I just stopped believing you, 115 x 145 cm, 2024, Acrylics on canvas


Rise, 100 x 140 cm, 2024, Acrylics on canvas

explore paintings

I feel like fire in the rain, 140 x 140 cm, 2024, Oil and acrylics on canvas


13/09/2024 - 21/09/2024


Video Aspect Ratio: 16:9